Sunspots & Global non-Warming

Hey liberals!  Quit incessantly contemplating your navels (and lower) all the time.  Look up once in a while.

There is a big, bright yellow thingy whatjamacallit up in the sky each day.  Yes, look up there.  It is hot too, by the way.


Our Sun rotates and moves.  It is liquid, with tremendous heat and pressures; it is mostly made up of hydrogen.  For almost 400 years now astronomers have been studying the Sun and watching its activity.  Very notable are the increase and decrease of visible sunspots during the regular (and irregular) cycles.  There is a demonstrable increase in the Sun's heat coming to the Earth with increased sunspot activity.  (But no one knows exactly why.)

About 900 years ago there was some farming in southern Greenland!  Remember Greenland?  Solidly ice covered these days.  And yet, for 2-3 generations, almost 1,000 years ago, a few hardy Nordic farmers migrated to Greenland and began growing barley and other crops.  As this was prior to modern science we do not have sufficient clues as to why this region had warmed for a time.  It may have been due to increased sunspots during that time, or possibly the Atlantic Ocean currents had shifted closer to shore causing warmer air currents above - we don't know.

More recently, from 1645-1715, there were almost no sunspots.  Almost none for 70 years!  This appears to have caused what is called the "Maunder Minimum" with its "mini-ice age" as it has been termed.


In 2007, the British news agency, "Channel 4" produced "The Great Global Warming Swindle" a 75 minute documentary.  (Use the Bing search engine to find it, as Google and YouTube want to censor it from being easily found ... their navels and all are more important to them.)

"The Great Global Warming Swindle" - is an excellent documentary showing the clear connection between government grants and (supposed) "climate change science" out there.  (And this will lead you to other quality science sources on this subject.)  It is frightening how easily human beings can be deceived!  And then they want to censor against honest voices and good scientific data.

Yes, our climates are changing.  Every year is different; every day is different.  About 30-40 years ago the alarmists were trumpeting that we were going into a new "ice age."  It was the cover story on many contemporary magazines only a few decades ago.  This was strongly believed for many years.  But the data to support a coming "ice age" just did not pan out.  So gee, yawn, sorry.  Find something new to be alarmist about.  Unfortunately then, they did!  And thus we have folks carrying signs and yelling something about "global warming" having been proved and "science can't be argued with" and other alarmist talk.


The university should be a place for learning, not a place for nonsense indoctrination.  Young people don't know much yet.  They are easily misled by malevolent or ignorant professors.  And many of these professors have never had a real job.  They themselves don't know much, at least not much beyond wacko theories that don't work in the real world.

Last note - to add something funny.  Okay, fill a bathtub.  Now get a yardstick and carefully measure the depth of the water at each corner and in the center.  Wow - a real shocker!  Water is self-leveling.  (Liberals, do it twice around, just to make sure.)  Have you heard the one of the islands with "rising sea levels" which proves the ice caps are melting?  Guys, water is self-leveling.  Get out more often.  Look up.  Look around.  Dare to speak to folks who disagree with you, but without you running directly to your "safe space" right away.  Sea levels are not rising.  Duhh!  New York Harbor, Elliot Bay in Seattle, and San Francisco Bay are not rising.  Therefore (better sit down liberals) those particular islands or places in Florida must be eroding and thus getting lower compared to the surrounding seas.  This is science.  Real science.

Why do the climate change folks never mention that Canada's Hudson Bay is shrinking?  The land up there has been rising compared to average sea level for at least hundreds of years now.  It is not that sea levels are going down, rather this is in contrast to the few eroding islands elsewhere.  Up on Canada's Hudson Bay the land is slowly rising (compared to sea level).  Again, real science.

"Sunspots and Global non-Warming"

Paul Abramson for
Evansville City Council