The Center of the Internet- NOT!

Hi, so how's it going?  This page be a compilationof various and asundry articles and images.  There is no overridingtheme, but a few sub-themes ... hope you find a few interesting things.
Best wishes!

If you have comments or questions or wanna gripe about
somethin' jes let me know, eh:

See ALL 3 of ME,ABOVE!!!

JAPANESE -  Paul's "Japan Articles" from his 5 years of living in Tokyo, Japan. Paul was a gaijin magazine cultural editor for 2 years, plus there'sa Japanese holiday calendar, some earthquake advice, and miscellaneousarticles that he wrote for other magazines and newspapers published inJapan.  Living in a foreign culture is an adventure!  I highlyrecommend it for those who are able.

COPYWRONG -  These are extremely thought provoking musings from Douso. He speaks some 4+ languages (...including assembly), has traveled the world,reads prodigiously, and can bake cakes like you wouldn't believe! A native Tokyoite he has the unique perspective of being able to view Japanmuch more objectively (both positive and negative) than any other Japaneseperson that Paul knows.The "copywrong" section is entirely under Douso'seditorial discretion.  It is divided into Japanese and Englishsections.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -  Some images from a Summer 2000 trip there.

HUMOR -  The Adventures of Fox Staubest!  This one is TOP SECRET!

TECHNOLOGY LINKS -  Looking for unbiased info on the best products and good buys? -then take a look!

NEWS LINKS -  The Internet has opened new news sources, which is fantastic. ...Don't just keep reading the old liberal-establishment news, gather ahealthy balance of news from a variety of informed outlets!

SERMON ON THE MOUNT -  Wisdom can come from many sources.  Don't ignore the time-testedwisdom of the Bible.  If you've never read Christ's "Sermon on theMount" (Matthew, chapters 5 to 7) - now is your chance!  :-)

POLITICS -  The Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, the Billof Rights* (...*The Bill of Rights is applicable in all cases unlessit's called a hate crime; BTW any non-hate crimes out there?),ThomasPaine's "Common Sense" (published anonymously in Jan. 1776; it's swiftspread through the colonies helped lead directly to the formation and signingof the Declaration - barely 6 months later - of July 4, 1776).  Alsosome selected words from Thomas Jefferson.  Read for yourself thewisdom in these time tested documents.

CREATIONISM  -  We're barely conscious, in the spiritual sense.  From thebeginning of humankind we've been easily deceived by malicious higher powers. Who are we?  Why are we?  Don't waste too much time on that hobbyor house.  Scientific theories (like current beliefs about evolution,for example) come and go - take a look at the other side of this importantissue.  Don't be deceived and thus focus on the wrong life priorities.

2019 Evansville City Election Videos  -  Well, in 2019 I ran for Evansville, Indiana, City Council.  I tried, but I did not win.  During the race I made a series of videos, some humorous, some serious.

Recent Work Photo, eh