Vaccines and Transgender

There must be some reason for why there is a modern transgender movement.

What is giving some young people confused hormonal signals?  Is it something injected when young?  Or is it plastics?  Are there pollutants or toxins in our environment that are compromising normal human growth?

Perhaps there is a clue in "Precocious puberty."  Medical professionals have quietly debated this in recent decades.  Girls, and also some boys, are going into puberty at younger and younger ages.  (For some girls the onset may begin younger than 10 years old!)  This brings not just physical changes but also mental and emotional changes.  Some professionals are theorizing that plastics or food preservatives or steroids (used in animals to make them mature faster, with perhaps residues left in meats?) may be the cause.  To my knowledge there is no conclusion yet among professionals.

But transgender is different.  It may be partially psychological.  If a liberal school teacher encourages and offers "love and understanding" to a student who wants to change, this can be an inducement.  How many children may be lacking in love and acceptance at home.  If so, they may fall prey to a school teacher who is not well grounded in reality, i.e. a liberal teacher.


All around the world, with the general exception of the Judeo-Christian countries, people have to deal with the spirit realm.  Witch doctors have been known on all continents.  Some try to communicate with the dead.  The sightings of ghosts is common around the globe.  (I have used this last one when speaking to atheist groups in the past, asking them to "wake up" to the spiritual realms around us.)

The demons can incite rage or fear, or they can cause confusion.  They can even put a person to sleep!  Johanna Michaelson, in her book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil" (1982) discussed that she could not even read the Bible when trying to come to know the Lord.  When she'd open the Bible to read - she would immediately get very sleepy and not be able to continue.  It kept happening.

Could the evil spirits try to confuse a young person about their gender?  Perhaps implanting thoughts or desires that the person soon comes to identify with?


After abortion was mandated by the US Supreme Court (but never passed into law by normal legislation), the fetuses were destroyed.  Soon though, believe it or not, some body parts were begun to be used in certain cosmetics.  This is grisly, but if a person sees the unborn babies as objects for potential profit then it becomes believable.  There was a "harvesting" that was quietly begun.

Then beginning in the 1980s, the major drug companies began changing the formulation of certain vaccines.  Before then a vaccine needed animal protein as a medium for keeping the culture alive in its weakened state.  For example, you want to inoculate a baby against polio.  Scientists would produce a weakened form of polio, one that the body can easily destroy.  This should then have the effect of producing anti-bodies against any future invasion of polio.  Does this make sense?  Let's view it again:

The infant receives a vaccination against (for example) polio.  The injection bypasses his/her skin, nose, mouth, and digestive system.  All the usual defenses against diseases are bypassed; the needle goes directly into the blood.  Polio (a very weak form of it) is injected.  It travels through the veins and through the arteries.  Soon the body sends out an alarm; there is an intruder.  The polio should not be there.  White blood cells surround the invaders.  The body begins synthesizing.  Soon it should hit the right defensive formulation - and anti-bodies are produced which specifically latch onto and kill this invasion and any future invasion of the polio virus.

So then, the 1980s and 1990s.  Before they had always used animal proteins to keep the viruses alive.  Some heavy metals like mercury are also commonly used.  But - they started using protein from aborted fetuses!  This is an evil form of cannibalism, is it not!?  The young defenseless baby's normal defenses are all bypassed.  Along with the intended viruses are multiple heavy metals - AND THE DNA FROM OTHER BABIES!

DNA wants to replicate.  That is what it does.  DNA is tremendously complicated and also very personal, and it comes in both male and female forms, does it not?


In the United Kingdom, over a decade ago, they had a serious problem caused by feeding ground up cattle meat into the feed of live cattle.  The cows would eat their grain (with ground up remains of other cattle, i.e. cannibalism) and later began to have problems with their nervous systems.  In particular their brains began to have disorders.  But it took years for the experts to finally realize what they'd done.  DNA wants to replicate.  Evidently (?) some of the genetic material from the feed had survived their digestive systems and entered their blood streams.  This produced permanent genetic damage to cattle all over the U.K.

Cannibalism causes damage to the one ingesting the loser's DNA code.  Among human cannibals they have a disease called "Kuru" which results from eating the remains of those whom they've cannibalized.  It permanently damages their central nervous systems.

How much worse would this be if one puts such DNA directly into an infant's body?!  The shots bypass the baby's normal defenses and inject the DNA of other babies directly into him or her.  A recent article in "The VIP" mentioned that the usual vaccination regimen is now 23 shots!  Of the 23 mandated shots how many are boys and how many are girls?  (I am talking about the presence of human DNA in the vaccines.)


I need to back up.  To my knowledge no one has done research on the effect of injected human DNA from an aborted fetus to a live baby's body.  We don't know the results (for this aspect of vaccines).  Maybe there are none.  Or maybe there is an ongoing cover-up; I don't know.  I would heartily recommend the British documentary "Vaxxed" and then follow the links to books and other documentaries on this similar subject.

23 shots.  It's like rolling dice, isn't it.  What if 18 of the 23 (for a particular baby girl, for example) contain the DNA from aborted baby boys.  Will this DNA begin to replicate in her?  Will these 18 of 23 begin to confuse her own (previously) normal DNA?  In eight or ten years will she begin to have hormonal signals telling her that she is a boy more than she is a girl?

Or what if there is a baby boy.  The shots are mandated by the government.  Of his 23 shots, what if 21 of them contain DNA from aborted baby girls?  Ten or twelve years later - will he have so much hormonal confusion that he thinks he must be a girl (in a boy's body)?  We don't know the answers to these questions.  And the purveyors of: "fake news, fake science, and fake history" seem disinclined to be bothered by such things.  (It may not be the DNA itself.   In "Mad Cow Disease" there is something surviving and causing neurological damage; permanent neurological damage in these mammals!)


Our society is changing quickly.  In the Bible, in Romans, chapter 1, we are told why a society is given over to sexual perversion.  Scripture tells us that when we forget God as our Creator our society will be given over to such things.  Maybe we are now in the early societal stages of changes that will make the Nazis seem like a grandmother in a rocking chair.

It is important to remember the homosexual overtones of the Nazi movement (1920s-1940s) in Germany.  "The Pink Swastika" (1995) is a book which carefully documents this.  The "butches" could be very violent.  After subjugating the normal folks causing mass intimidation, they went after the "femmes" - during the Nazi years.  So yes, the Nazis were selectively persecuting some homosexuals; but it was largely one group of homosexuals against another!  There were 3 groups of secret police.  The SS, the SA, and the Gestapo.  The SA was run by an effeminate homosexual leader, Ernst Röhm.  Röhm had been getting popular, which threatened Adolf Hitler's popularity.  At Hitler's direction, the SS and Gestapo attacked and destroyed the SA back in 1934.


He or she is a real person.  We need to remember this!

It must be a frightening thing for a young person to think that he or she is the wrong gender!  Whether it is caused organically, or spiritually, there is still a person in there!  Each of us has a soul.

Many years ago I had a homosexual friend who contracted AIDS.  He had participated in a dangerous lifestyle for years.  I got to help lead him to the Lord.  But he struggled with his sexual desires for the rest of his life.  He still kept falling into sin.  And he eventually died of AIDS.  It took years of pain and fear.  I remember him asking me to wash my hands a lot when we'd visit together.  (He was the one with AIDS, so he was the one afraid of my germs.)  He accepted Christ as his Savior, but he had to ask for forgiveness of his sins regularly.  I cried at his funeral.

We need to remember that Jesus Himself was forgiving of sexual sin, right?  Several times in the Gospels we see Him telling one to "go and sin no more."  And for the woman caught in adultery, He also forgave her, correct?  And remember the woman at the well (John 4), she'd been married 5 times.  Jesus spoke to her, as human to human.

Dear Reader, if you are not a Christian then you may not be able to relate to some of the things I have written.  I apologize for this.  We are going through this life and trying to understand this world.  I sincerely hope that this article, though lacking much conclusion - is somewhat helpful and thought-provoking.

"Vaccines and Transgender"

Paul Abramson for
Evansville City Council